• RG-400 CABLE

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SKU: VSW-RG400 Category: Tags: ,
Description Material Diameter(mm)
Centre Conductor Copper, Silver plated 1 mm
Dielectric PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) 2.95 mm
Braid 1 Copper, Silver plated 3.6 mm(97%)
Braid 2 Copper, Silver plated 4.2 mm(94%)
Jacket FEP (Fluorinated ethylene propylene) 4.95 mm +/- 0.1
Impedance 50 Ω +/- 2
Operating Frequency 6 GHz
Capacitance 94 pF/m
Velocity of signal propagation 69 %
Signal delay 4.75 ns/m
Screening effectiveness ≥ 81 dB (up to 6 GHz)
Operating voltage ≤ 1.7kVrms (at sea level)
Test voltage 3.4kVrms (50 Hz/1 min)
Weight 6.4 kg/100 m
No. of Strands 19
Temperature range -65 °C … +200 °C
Installation temperature -20 °C… +60 °C
Min. bending radius static 30 mm 50 mm dynamic 75 mm




Nom. Attenuation

(dB /m)

Nom. attenuation

(dB /ft)

Max. CW power


  sea level 25° C ambient temperature sea level 25° C ambient temperature sea level 40° C ambient temperature
                     0,3 0,24 0,073 666
                    0,6 0,36 0,109 471
                    0,9 0,45 0,138 385
                  1,2 0,54 0,164 333
                   1,5 0,62 0,188 298
                   1,8 0,69 0,210 272
                   2,1 0,76 0,231 252
                   2,4 0,83 0,252 236
                  2,7 0,89 0,271 222
                  3,0 0,95 0,290 211
                 3,3 1,01 0,309 201
                  3,6 1,07 0,327 192
                   3,9 1,13 0,344 185
                  4,2 1,19 0,362 178
                  4,5 1,24 0,379 172
                  4,8 1,3 0,395 167
                  5,1 1,35 0,412 162
                 5,4 1,4 0,428 157
                5,7 1,46 0,444 153
               6,0 1,51 0,460 149
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